Friday, February 15, 2019

Collaboration With The NFL and Media

The people within these media platforms are always collaborating with the players and people within the NFL. The types of collaboration that is occurring can be debatable when it comes to the NFL. Most us would think that the collaboration type involving the NFL in general and the people who discuss it would be unwitting. These players are not aware that they are participating and are not aware how the content will be used...or will they? 

Mostly everyone who is in and involved in the NFL is pretty much famous. Mainly because these people are professional athletes and very wealthy. Since these people are on national television are they really unaware that they are participating in anything that is happening on these media platforms? I would say that they are aware.

Specifically on social media platforms memes have been very popular and I have seen many memes involving players and people involved with the NFL. This would be considered as an unwitting collaboration involving these people. With content such as Podcasts and other analysist involving these people, that may be considered contributory collaboration. I think that the NFL has a big gray area when it comes to collaboration with content.

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