Friday, March 1, 2019

The Remix

The content involving the NFL most always ends up in a remix. The kinds of remix content that is put out to the public is usually Reflexive and Selective. Reflexive remixes are two different sources put together to create a big remix. Selective remixes usually add or subtract certain content to the liking of the creator.

One of the most popular remixes I can think of involving the NFL would be the Bad Lip Readings on YouTube. These people the video of players talking and put their own dialogue within the video to give make it comical. This is just one example of a remix involving the NFL. Another remix would be memes in the NFL. Memes are very popular in today's time.

The players and other people involved have no idea that their content will be used for this matter. At the same time these players and personnel are on national TV and online media such as ESPN. They should always suspect that the content that is being produced will end on somewhere other than just TV.

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